Wednesday, 27 March 2013


The Three Pillars of ProgressWe’ve all witnessed someone who seems to have mastered the ability to grab life by the horns and realize their most cherished desires. You may even experience a similar joy—at least occasionally, if not consistently. However, getting what you want is one thing; being conscious of how you’re doing it is another. So the question is: What creates an extraordinary quality of life?The details of what we really want—joy, love, passion, fulfillment—are going to be different from person to person, but we’re all after a certain quality of life that will truly make us feel alive. This is not dependent on the economy or any other outside factor. What’s most important is living life on your terms. For most people, a successful life is based on two things:
1. The Science of Achievement: The ability to turn any dream into reality or to produce any result.
2. The Art of Fulfillment: the ability to find joy in the process of whatever life brings; the power to understand and appreciate our lives at the deepest level. The Science of Achievement is the destination, and the Art of Fulfillment encompasses the meaningful experiences along the way.
Once you define what an extraordinary life means to you, how do you make it reality?
Whether it’s creating outstanding health and vitality, attaining the competitive advantage in your business, deepening your relationships or taking your finances to the next level, there are three common elements to making any vision reality.
Instead of willing all your problems to disappear, create the life you want, a life of your own design. Implementing the Three Pillars of Progress is the key.
The Three Pillars of Progress for an Extraordinary Life
III. Unlock, Align, Integrate! →II. Get the Best Tools / Map / Coaching for Results →I. Get Focused and Clear
  • Ask yourself: What beliefs, goals or values may be in conflict?
  • Re-align your psychology so you naturally take action in the direction you desire most.
  • Celebrate your achievements and pay it forward.
  • Model others who have already achieved the ideal result.
  • Get a proven map: a step-by-step plan that moves you to take consistent action.
  • Measure your progress.
  • Have a coach, mentor or someone you respect hold you accountable.
  • Get a clear and compelling vision.
  • Have strong reasons to follow through.
  • Have total honesty about where you are.

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